Josh Pullen
Josh Pullen's Blog
February 22
Public Education Doesn’t Want Self-Directed Play (But It Could!)
February 1
How to Hang Wipebooks So They Don't Tear
August 28
I'm a new teacher. Of the 1,000,000 things I could be doing better, what should I do first?
July 22
Link to Websites in Scratch Projects with Leopard
July 5
How to Host HTML5 Videos on AWS
July 18
Programmable inputs: A terrible idea... right?
June 20
Professional Problem Identifier
June 13
Is Social Media The New Smoking?
June 13
Tiny Projects
June 4
I need a new project.
April 16
The program is the output.
April 16
Wolfram's theory of everything is interesting, profitable, and probably wrong.
April 14
Plans Prevent Progress
April 12
The Ideal School
April 11
The Critical Mistake Every Teacher Makes
April 10
Simple Systems
April 8
The Future of Education is Beginning
April 7
Traffic Lights for Imaginary People
April 6
"Getting Real" Fixed Me
April 5
The Plan: Write Words. Fast.
April 4
New blog!